Oddly, the thing that I did worked, but not in the way I had anticipated. So let me tell you method I utilized, for free, and see how you do. Are you ready to have the Strongest Mind in the World, maybe in the universe?
I once came across the concept that a man who can concentrate on one thing for three minutes can rule the world. The point was that to stay mentally concentrated on one thing, to put it simply, blows up the brain power. Having read this, and wanting to have the most fully functional brain allowed by the powers that be, I decided to do it.
I was doing doing Karate at the time, and exploring martial forms such as Sticky Hands from Wing Chun Gung Fu, and various other martial styles, and I really thought that I had the mental willpower to pull anything off. I did my kata, I could remain calm during freestyle, and I had the discipline. Now all I had to do was apply that discipline to pursuing Nirvana, seeking enlightenment, or whatever you want to call it.
I decided to use a simple, little rock to shape the ultimate concentration and the resulting explosion of pure mentality which, I hoped, wouldn't shatter the universe too badly. A rock, after all, was what the earth was, and the shape of the thing was round, like the whole darned universe, and it seemed so neat and appropriate. So I went into a nearby field and chose a well shaped rock, and prepared to turn on my enlightenment.
I sat down next to a tree, placed the rock in front of me, and focused on it. I tried not to think, I tried to just focus on the rock, and to ignore all those silly little surface thoughts, like what was for lunch and what the latest movie was, or what I was going to do that weekend. I was, after all, going to shatter down the doors to heaven, so what use did I have for the following weekend, right?
After three minutes I got to my feet, tossed the rock aside, and started walking away, totally disgusted with how boring the whole thing was. I mean, to think that I was going to become an enlightened being just by being able to think at a rock, how stupid, how boring! Suddenly, my body was jerked to a halt as a sudden thought overwhelmed me.
It wasn't the stupid, little rock that was so darned boring, it was me that was boring. All that boredom was coming out of me, and I realized something...I would never be bored again. And I suddenly knew that I had achieved some form of enlightenment, the thing had worked, but not at all how I thought it would. - 31497
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Want to have the Best Karate? Pick up a free ebook written by Al at Monster Karates.