It is said, of the four paths to enlightenment, that the way of the warrior is the fastest. This is an interesting look at things enlightenment, for one would think that a path dedicated to things war would be the slowest. After all, learning how to maim and kill would seem antithetical to pursuing enlightenment.
First, the warrior deals with the things of the world. He does not turn his attention inward to seek enlightenment, but does his seeking in a much more overt manner, seeking out conflict and learning to deal with it. This entails, ultimately, giving up the desire for conflict, none of the other disciplines seek out conflict in this manner.
Second, the warrior is concerned with what is real in this universe. We could have a good discussion concerning what is real, but in place of that mental exercise let's just say that the universe can be described as objects in motion. The martial arts are the only one of the four practices that deal directly with a universe filled with moving objects.
Third, the warrior is much more active in adhering to his discipline of choice. I say this because the discipline of studying the martial arts is an active one. Simply, the warrior has something to do on his way to enlightenment, the other disciplines are somewhat lacking in the necessity for doing something.
Fourth, there is a built in guiding factor in the way of the martial artist. Simply, if a technique does not function, the result will be noted as a punch in the face. This 'feedback' device tends to make the artist more demanding in his seeking of perfection and enlightenment.
To conclude, let me point out that every method of enlightenment has its strengths and weaknesses. Heck, everybody knows that. So the point of this article is not to disparage other methods, merely to point out how glorious the one you are immersed in is.
You are the one, you see; you are the karateka and the kung fu student and the aikidoka and...the Tai Chi Chuan practitioner. You practice a method, and you are in a hurry, no matter how slow you think you move, to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Godspeed you. - 31497
About the Author:
Al Case has studied kung fu for 40 years. If you want to see How Far the Martial Arts Can Go, pick up a free book at Monster Martial Arts.