It was back in 1969, and I had just start Kenpo Karate, one of the early Edmund Parker versions of that fine martial art, and the head instructor decided to put on a breaking seminar. I don't really know what was passing through his mind, maybe he intended to start up a side business selling insurance or something. At any rate, the potential for catastrophe was a sure thing.
We entered the training hall and stacks of pine boards were waiting for us. As a group we were taught the ins and outs of focusing, of punching through, and so on, and we were all excited. Then we started breaking the old pine-aroonies, one at a time, as the head instructor watched.
One of the attendees, a nice guy by the name of Jeff, asked if it was possible to break a board using just the head. The head instructor's answer was in the affirmative, but he cautioned that it shouldn't be attempted until one had trained extensively. We then went into another room to break boards, and no one noticed that Jeff had not come with us.
We were in group discussion, and suddenly there was a tremendous thocking sound. It was such a unique sound that we all stopped what we were doing and stared at the door to the other room. The other room, where the sound came from, where Jeff had remained behind.
Suddenly, Jeff appeared at the door, he was standing aslant, and the look in his eyes was like little birdies singing. We all held our breaths as Jeff crossed the room, walking aslant, the birdies circling his head in a neat, little circling pattern. Jeff settled, well, sort of plonked, into a zen seated position, and the head instructor, with an eye on Jeff, continued his speechifying.
Now, if you're going to break a board with your head, and I don't care if you study Uechi or Tae Kwon Do or Choy Li Fut or whatever, work up to it. Start with skinny boards, even an eighth of an inch, then work your way through a quarter, through 3/8s, and so on. Heck, even wear a some kind of protective helmet the first few times, the potential for injury is that great.
Oh, and at the end of that breaking seminar? Jeff approached the head instructor after it was all over and asked if is it possible to break a board using just your head. Maybe he should have concentrated on developing the hardest punch instead of just a hard head! - 31497
About the Author:
Al Case has taught martial arts for 4O++ years. If you want to learn how to Matrix your Martial Art, pick up a free ebook at Monster Martial Arts.