The martial arts build this ability, and a good martial art does it in a quite speedy fashion. Indeed, if you aren't effectively looking into minds after a couple of years, there is probably something wrong with the martial art you are studying. If this is so, you should look into applying some principles from Matrix Martial Arts and tweaking your art so it enables you to read minds.
The first time you realize that you can look into somebody elses mind is usually during freestyle. You intuitively know what technique your opponent is considering using, and, as time goes on, you begin fitting intuitive responses to whatever he does. Many people think this is because of the freestyle, but it is really because of the forms that you have been perfecting in your martial arts.
Yes, freestyle provides the situation where you can realize your abilities, but forms provides the energy and context for developing those abilities. Without forms, you won't be able to read minds in the martial arts, except on the lowest level. Give up doing your forms, and you are left with fighting, and fighting does not lead to reading minds.
When doing a form one learns how to control their body, making it do things one couldn't make it do before. Then, one learns that it is the control of the mind that is really enabling him to control the body. Lastly, one starts to understand that behind any action in this universe, there must be a thought.
The universe is nothing but a space filled with objects that float around. Being able to read minds, you see, is being able to predict the path of objects. Predicting the path of objects just means that you start looking further out in space to see them coming.
What the matrixing procedure does, as practiced in Matrix Martial Arts, is organize the data so that one can see beyond the confusion. Matrixing analyzes and handles force and direction, and thus, one can take in more space, and analyze and handle more force and direction. Once one can do this through the practice of the martial arts, one can begin doing it to the rest of life.
Want to get a better deal when you trade in your vehicle, or maybe get the girl of your dreams? You can do so if you use matrixing to analyze and handle the forces and directions involved. And whether you study a form of kung fu, be it fut ga or tong long or monkey boxing, or whether you study karate, such as wado ryu or kyokushnkai or whatever, you can use Matrix Martial Arts to align it, and to align life itself. - 31497
About the Author:
Al Case has practiced martial arts for 4O++ years. A writer for the magazines, he had his own column in Inside Karate. You can read about him, and get a free ebook on Matrix Martial Arts at Monster Martial Arts. Make sure you watch the video and see him put out a candle from over a foot away.