By getting out of your body I don't mean giant brains floating through the universe. I merely mean that you are a little outside your head, not quite sure where your viewpoint is, but know that it is not from your eyes. This often leads to increased intensity and martial abilities that are beyond the normal human being.
The surest way to make this happen is to just keep doing your forms. Like a truck driver who lets his mind wander while doing a long drive, the karateka, or kung fu stylist, just gets comfortable, and slowly starts looking at the world in a different way. He starts looking at his body and realizing that he is not his body, that his arms are a little longer.
What has happened is that in learning to control his body, making it accomplish finer and finer motions, the person has gotten out. Some body movements just require that the person be outside his body to really make them work, and as the martial artist makes his moves work, he doesn't even realize that he is sliding out of the body. Then he starts doing things differently, doesn't realize that he has made some sort of a change, and life goes on.
The problem, of course, is not that this happens, the problem is to make it happen faster. Being slightly removed from your body makes you a better martial artist, and better in many other ways. Your karate or kung fu or whatever becomes more improved, and there you have the source of legends, and an better version of human beings.
I started using Matrix Martial Arts to accomplish this speeding up. The reason matrixing works is because it is logical, scientific, and takes into account all potential body motions. Simply, if you can see the whole picture, when it comes to moving the body in the martial arts, then it is easier to take control of the body.
The first step in matrixing is to learn how to use your body as one unit. I call this CBM, or Coordinated Body Motion. It is when you start all motion at the same time, end all motion at the same time, and regulate all factors of size, mass, muscle, and so on of the movement being done.
Once CBM is realized you are ready for the next step of Matrixing. Having harmonized the movements of your body, you are now in a position to harmonize the art itself, and you start to move back from your body at a quicker speed. Whether you do a form of Karate, or Shaolin, or whatever, the matrixing method in Matrix Martial Arts is going to everything happen much faster, and you will reach the true art in years instead of lifetimes. - 31497
About the Author:
Al Case has studied martial arts for 4O+ years. A writer for the magazines, he had his own column in Inside Karate. You can find out more about The Matrixing Method by getting his free ebook at Monster Martial Arts.