Enlightenment is when light shines forth from the individual. With that light the enlightened being views the world differently. His perceptions are heightened, and he has a superior viewpoint.
If enlightenment happened because of motion, then the fact of motion would result in enlightenment. Gymnastics, ballet, football, all would result in an enlightened individual, but they don't, so one must ask oneself, what is it about the Martial Arts that they result in enlightenment?
What is different is that there is combat, and when one understands the essence of combat, one becomes enlightened. What is the essence of combat? One could sum up the subject by saying that when one finally understands he is opposing himself, he becomes enlightened, and a study of the martial arts does eventually result in this.
The universe, you see, is a vast space filled with objects. Every object in the universe has a direction. It is only in the martial arts that one actually engages in the study of the directions of objects from the viewpoint of one who creates the direction.
A fist flies at you, and you go through a range of emotions. Eventually, you give up emotions so that you can analyze. Thus, you rise above base reaction and become cause.
A person threatens you, he holds a knife and approaches you, and you must divine the direction of the knife before it enters you. You must look at the world the way it exists, and not through some fantasy of how it is supposed to exit, and thus you look at the world you created. Thus, you rise above being the flotsam and jetsam of a universe awash with the shards of random motion, and thus you take control of the motions of the universe.
There would be no motion in this universe, you see, were it not for the fact of you. That star shines because of you, if it wasn't for you, there would be no purpose for that star to emit even the faintest shred of light. And through the tempering of form, the steeling of will, the martial artist engages in fighting to give up fighting, and thus becomes an enlightened being free to roam the universe as he wishes. - 31497
About the Author:
Al Case has studied martial arts for 4O++ years. A writer for the magazines, he had his own column in Inside Karate. He is the originator of the church of the martial arts, and you can find out about the path to enlightenment by ordering his free ebook at Monster Martial Arts.